Chemical Processing Staff

Chemical Processing's editors cover industry news relevant to readers. You can email your news items to Editor-in-Chief Traci Purdum at [email protected].

Fine Bubbles Boost Hydrogen Production

Researchers have discovered a way to increase 50-fold the mass transfer in a heterogeneously catalyzed reaction that could play a central role in future hydrogen storage and transport...

Chicago Fire Causes Evacuation

Reports of explosions at 9 a.m. were followed by smoke that was visible from the plant.

Captured Carbon Dioxide Serves as Ethylene Feedstock

Researchers at University of Illinois Chicago have developed an electrolysis-based system that converts nearly 100% of captured carbon dioxide into ethylene.

Upcycling Process Eliminates Sorting

A coalition of researchers combined chemical and biological processes in a proof-of-concept that could expand the range of plastics that can be recycled.

Biochemical Process Produces Promising Polymer

A new supramolecular plastic is both degradable and highly recyclable, report its developers at the MediCity Research Laboratory of the University of Turku, Turku, Finland. The...

Green Syngas Production Beckons

Solar-powered method uses carbon dioxide and water to make feedstock for fuels and chemicals

San Francisco Will Ban Sale of Furniture With Flame Retardant Chemicals

The chemicals are linked to increased risk of cancer, birth defects and learning disabilities.