Being pretty good at safety may not be good enough for very long. Indeed, the practice of safety in the chemical industry has changed and matured significantly over the past several decades and will continue to evolve. Astute leaders will develop future-centered safety strategies. For the less astute, the future always will be a dark journey full of unpleasant and potentially fatal surprises. Fear of fines and jail time shouldn’t be the motivation for “doing the right thing.”
To offer the best process safety pointers, we’ve put together another Chemical Processing eHandbook. It includes insight on:
- Process Safety: Get Ready for 10 Changes -- Ten emerging trends will reshape how chemical makers approach and manage safety
- PSM Demands Better Maintenance Planning -- Follow some pointers to succeed at sites covered by the statute
- Mitigate Explosions in Spray Drying System -- Available mitigation approaches depend on the spray dryer system and design limitations
Download your copy of this Chemical Processing process safety eHandbook now.