Cybersecurity: Practice What You Preach

Dec. 2, 2020
Ransomware remains the biggest cybersecurity threat so organizations must think about backup and recovery.

It's almost always good to practice what you preach, and in the case of cyber security, it's downright crucial for end users, contractors, clients, suppliers and system integrators seeking to form a united front against cyber-threats, intrusions, probes and attacks, especially during the ongoing pandemic.

"There was initial panic when COVID-19 started up in March through May, but a lot has settled down since the summer, even with more recent spikes. Many projects to implement cyber security were paused during the pandemic because people were just focused on how to keep their plants running," says John Cusimano, solutions VP of industrial cybersecurity, aeSolutions, a consulting, engineering and CSIA-member system integrator in Greenville, S.C. "Over the summer and now into the fall, we're seeing more stability because companies are figuring out ways to move ahead with cyber security. Our projects are also underway, but in a different way. For example, it's harder to bring people onsite and many sites have minimized staff to essential personnel. So they're looking at ways of remotely performing assessments, design, implementation and monitoring by working with the few left at the facility. This puts more on everybody's plates."

Read the rest of this article from our sister publication Control Global. 

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