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Powder eHandbook: Preclude Powder Problems

Nov. 11, 2014
Process design and process safety are critical considerations in chemical production and processing. With design and safety paramount at the outset of any new development or equipment retrofit, firms can minimize risk exposure, maximize productivity and position themselves to remain compliant and competitive. Whether retrofit or new, chemical processing is continually challenged by combustible dust. Combustible dust can pose a hidden hazard when accumulation occurs in unseen locations such as in mechanical spaces, above false ceiling, ventilation systems and dust collection systems. In this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook, we take a look at strategies and solutions for mitigating combustible dust hazards including: Identifying hidden hazards - a case study outlining how a facility finds danger from accumulated dust and effectively addresses it Powder flowability - how new measurement methods now make it easier to evaluate flow Process safety -  properly designed weigh model can optimize safety and improve efficiency A multivariate approach to powder processing -  an overview of several methods that can help determine which powder properties have the greatest influence on performance Learn how to preclude powder problems. Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook now.

Process design and process safety are critical considerations in chemical production and processing. With design and safety paramount at the outset of any new development or equipment retrofit, firms can minimize risk exposure, maximize productivity and position themselves to remain compliant and competitive. Whether retrofit or new, chemical processing is continually challenged by combustible dust. Combustible dust can pose a hidden hazard when accumulation occurs in unseen locations such as in mechanical spaces, above false ceiling, ventilation systems and dust collection systems. In this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook, we take a look at strategies and solutions for mitigating combustible dust hazards including:

  • Identifying hidden hazards - a case study outlining how a facility finds danger from accumulated dust and effectively addresses it
  • Powder flowability - how new measurement methods now make it easier to evaluate flow
  • Process safety -  properly designed weigh model can optimize safety and improve efficiency
  • A multivariate approach to powder processing -  an overview of several methods that can help determine which powder properties have the greatest influence on performance

Learn how to preclude powder problems.

Download your copy of this Chemical Processing Powder eHandbook now.