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eHandbook: Strengthen Your Process Safety

Sept. 25, 2023
Dealing with safety issues can involve sophisticated techniques for hazard analysis and prescriptive measures. It demands an understanding of tradeoffs and nuances.

To help you strengthen your process safety, Chemical Processing has put together this eHandbook, which includes insight on:

  • Avoid Big Trouble from Little Changes, Part 1 — Applying sound process-safety review screening to every change is the first step
  • Avoid Big Trouble from Little Changes, Part 2 — Selecting the process hazard review method, explaining the rationale, and resetting past thinking and presumptions
  • Understand Flammability Hazards and Implement Safe Practices —  Establishing safety systems for applications with flammable properties can help optimize processes in addition to mitigating hazards
This content is sponsored by: Fauske & Associates