Visualization Platform Brings Industrial Gaming Technology to the Plant

Sept. 16, 2013
The platform supports customers to create interactive, multi-user plant environments.

Aveva launched the Aveva Activity Visualization Platform (AVEVA AVP). AVEVA AVP, built on industrial gaming technology, enables facility familiarization, staff training, construction planning and simulation, and operations and maintenance planning. It aids the rehearsal of safety and schedule critical activities without putting either personnel or the plant itself at risk.

The platform supports customers to create interactive, multi-user plant environments. Aveva AVP generates its realistic simulations direct from 3-D design models before the physical plant has been built. Aveva has created a solution that addresses safety incidents caused by operator by changing the way in which owner-operators and engineering contractors can train staff.

Trainees can be immersed in a hands-on scenario and interact both with the model and with each other as avatars in a realistic virtual environment. They can become familiar with critical areas of the plant, such as access, maintenance locations and evacuation routes.