Beamex has expanded its pump range with the PGL and PGPH. The PGL pump is a low-pressure calibration pump with excellent possibilities for very fine adjustments. The pump is suitable for industries where accurate, low-pressure generation is needed, such as the pharmaceutical industry.
The PGHP pump is a pneumatic, high-pressure generator with air as the pressure medium. This pump is a practical, high-quality solution in calibrations where using liquids is forbidden, such as the gas industry.
The PGPH is a hand-operated, high-pressure calibration pump for table-top use. The pump generates pressure up to 140 bar (2,000 psi). The pump reaches maximum pressure in less than one minute. The PGPH also can generate vacuum. It’s equipped with a fine-adjustment control and two hand-tightened connectors.
The PGL is a hand-operated calibration pump for low pressure using air as its pressure medium. The pressure range of the PGL is ±400 mbar / ±160 iwc. The pump comes with an isothermal bellows chamber for reducing possible environmental temperature changes during the calibration process.