
Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner October 16, 2013

Michael L. Dunn wins us over with his funny caption. . . what do you think?


Wait, please, “Strong #2” is just the name! by Michael L. Dunn

Honorable Mentions

"Run for the hills! Herb is doing GREEN chemistry again." by George M. Hudak

"Eureka!, I have managed to isolate essence of IRS!" by Jonathan Zarych

Other Submissions

"But I removed the skunk scent. . ." by Kerwin Orr

"Honestly, the boss said everyone has to taste the new Kool-Aid!!!" by Gary Landry

"Anyone notice a strong odor around here?" by Barry Jones

"Dr. Jekyll proposes a consumer test for his new formula." by Shawn Davis

"No, really—just look what it did for me" by Shawn Davis

"Once again – nobody tells me we are having a fire drill." by George M. Hudak

"Wow! That new laxative formula really works!!" by Martin Tremblay

"Pleazzze give me your business or here it goezzz." by DA, Upstate New York

"Look everyone! Its Obamacare in a bottle!" by Keith Wamsley

"I'm sorry I said the Explosives Department will really get a bang out of this. I meant to say they will like it." by Eric D Finley

"It’s only green tea in a flask!" by Cheryl Thames

"I passed that kidney stone." by Dale Stout

"R&D's new discovery goes 'viral'" by Larry Meyer

"Hey come back here it's only green tea don't be afarid." by Donald Drummond

"It’s just a new sulfur compound. I assure you I didn’t “dealt it”." by Joe Davis

"Don’t be afraid. I just “liquidated” the wicked witch of Building West." by Joe Davis

"And the next time one of you turns down my radio, I'll take stink to a whole new level!" by Chuck Lewis

"So it looks like by your reactions that the new fragrance, Eau De Mossy Pond needs tweaked" by Chuck Lewis