Comical Processing: You Write The Cartoon Caption Winner June 13, 2010
June 13, 2010
Congratulations to Stephen L Goldhahn for submitting the winning caption to the Comical Processing cartoon. A new cartoon has been posted.
"Comical Processing" features drawings by award-winning cartoonist Jerry King. It’s our way of letting you take a break from all the serious stuff you deal with at work — by coming up with appropriate light-hearted captions.
Spring-board Into Action! is just a motivational buzz word, Gus, not to be taken literally!"
Honorable Mentions
"That's not what I meant when I said be a Catalyst." Submitted by Terry Mackin.
"Cannonball!" Submitted by Harold Paine"I said it’s a skimming pool, not a swimming pool!" Submitted by Karyn S. DeWolfClick here to see the current Comical Processing cartoon.
Other Submissions
"Worker's Comp . . . here I come!" Submitted by Allison Hall; North Wales, Pa.
"Do not forget to carry the MSDS!!!" Submitted by Manmohan Sethi
"That scaffolding is still not safe." Submitted by Ray Haas
"Hey George, Do you know that the tank was not decontaminated yet? It was used to make hair-removal cream!" Submitted by Jeff Prom; Cottage Grove, Wisc.
"Are you sure you have experience with Tank Gauging?" Submitted by Kent Oubre; Geismar, La.
"Where's your safety goggles Louganis?" Submitted by Don Clark Calvert
"You do realize they added the acid to the water tank this morning, right?" Submitted by Joseph T. Cunliffe; North Wales, Pa.
"Hey, we agreed that you would dive into your work without making a big splash or any waves." Submitted by David Debari
"Get out of there, you know you can't swim right after you eat." Submitted by Kirby Hostetler; Barberton, Ohio
"Wait, the work order to fill the tank is on the backlog list." Submitted by Kirby Hostetler; Barberton, Ohio
"You were looking for a high TITER function, not a high DIVER function." Submitted by Tracy A Bloodgood; St. Joseph, Mo.
"That's not what the seminar meant when they told us to, 'get more into our work!'" Submitted by Douglas G. Mancosky; Rome, Ga.
"Who said you could put a diving board on our new tank?" Submitted by Mervin Archer
"No Swimming in the beer tanks!" Submitted by Bob Andrew
" OK, I'll be your Confined Space Entry Attendant!" Submitted by Daniel Ruggles
"No Harry . . . I said the tank is full of hot virgin oil!" Submitted by Chuck Lewis; Springfield, Ohio
"My mistake -- We did pass the ISO audit" Submitted by Chuck Lewis; Springfield, Ohio
"You can prove differently you were right about the level indicator!" Submitted by Rob van der Meij; Fluxxion BV, Netherlands
"Why are you jumping in a vat of chemicals and why are you smiling?" Submitted by Donald Drummond; Clarksburg, W. Va.
"There must be an easier way to test the tensile coefficient of a springboard." Submitted by Rob Falconer; Lakeland, Fla.
"What cost centre was this charged to?" Submitted by Cameron Watt
"Get your PFD on before the safety officer shows up!" Submitted by Cameron Watt
"This isn't what I meant by industrial hygiene!" Submitted by Cameron Watt
"What's wrong with the Bosch-Meiser process?" Submitted by Cameron Watt
"Why do you have to take things so literally?" Submitted by Jack Marie; Cashtown, Pa..
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