WirelessHART Approved By IEC As International Standard for Wireless Communication
April 7, 2010
Final IEC vote confirms broad global acceptance of WirelessHART by end users and suppliers
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has approved the WirelessHART specification as a full international standard (IEC 62591Ed. 1.0). The unanimous vote by the IEC National Committees of 28 countries confirms the broad global support for WirelessHART technology as the international standard for wireless communication in process automation. "The overwhelming approval by IEC fulfills the request of users for a single international wireless communication standard that is supported by major automation suppliers," says HART Communication Foundation Executive Director Ron Helson. "WirelessHART technology has been confirmed by both users and suppliers to be a technically sound, reliable and secure solution for wireless communication in process automation." For more information, visit: www.hartcomm.org.
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