The HART Communication Foundation has selected the Shell Scotford Upgrader, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada, as the recipient of the 2011 HART Plant of the Year Award. The award showcases end users who have demonstrated creativity in the application of HART Communication.
Shell Scotford Upgrader was selected due to its utilization of HART Communication to facilitate device configuration, loop testing, startup checks, valve tuning, safety device SIL ratings, and real-time centralized device status and diagnostics in a 100,000 barrel-per-day expansion to the existing 155,000 bpd capacity Scotford facility.
The result was a safe and efficient start-up, continued safe and reliable plant operation, real-time daily instrument troubleshooting, as well as preventable and predictive ongoing maintenance.
The HART Plant of the Year award is given annually to recognize the people, companies and plant sites around the world using the advanced capabilities of HART Communication in real-time applications to improve operations, lower costs and increase availability.
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