LCE Offers SMRP Body Of Knowledge Guided Study

June 7, 2016
Life Cycle Engineering offers a Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals Body of Knowledge Guided Study through its education entity, Life Cycle Institute.

Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) will offer a Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) Body of Knowledge Guided Study through its education entity, Life Cycle Institute. The new SMRP Body of Knowledge Guided Study closely examines SMRP’s five pillars of knowledge through interactive discussion and real-world examples in alignment with the Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) Exam.

The three-day workshop is designed for experienced maintenance and reliability professionals who want to attain the CMRP designation. This designation is pursued by professionals interested in building their competency in maintenance and reliability disciplines, according to LCE.

The workshop, designed by LCE CMRPs, is an intense review of SMRP’s five pillars of knowledge – business and management, manufacturing process reliability, equipment reliability, organization and leadership and work management. Maintenance and reliability professionals will be exposed to practice questions in each category, challenged to participate in activities and discussions involving real-world examples of the application of these principles and will leave with a deeper competency in these areas going into the exam and returning to the workspace, according to LCE.

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