Chemical Processing Staff

Chemical Processing's editors cover industry news relevant to readers. You can email your news items to Editor-in-Chief Traci Purdum at [email protected].

Fine Bubbles Boost Hydrogen Production

Researchers have discovered a way to increase 50-fold the mass transfer in a heterogeneously catalyzed reaction that could play a central role in future hydrogen storage and transport...

Captured Carbon Dioxide Serves as Ethylene Feedstock

Researchers at University of Illinois Chicago have developed an electrolysis-based system that converts nearly 100% of captured carbon dioxide into ethylene.

Upcycling Process Eliminates Sorting

A coalition of researchers combined chemical and biological processes in a proof-of-concept that could expand the range of plastics that can be recycled.

Biochemical Process Produces Promising Polymer

A new supramolecular plastic is both degradable and highly recyclable, report its developers at the MediCity Research Laboratory of the University of Turku, Turku, Finland. The...